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  • Writer's picturecosmicconnection78

December 27, 2017

Updated: Dec 28, 2017

James J. Cone - My daily blessing (A warm winter's day) #winter #blessing #heart #family

Today it was freezing outside but my heart was warm. I was able to speak to my mother which is a rare feat. Usually, I speak to my family once a month but I am trying to be a better communicator when it comes to calling my parents. So, I am attempting to call them 2 to 3 times a month which I haven't done in 18 years. Having a loving family is a blessing that should not be taken for granted. Also, my co-worker helped me learn a mathematical equation. I have always been terrible at math because I never tried. I always looked at a lot of it as only being useful for specific careers. Other than adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying simple numbers. I still haven't found a use for all those other formulas in my daily life. But, since this math class is the last set of credits I need for my associates degree, I figure I need to go ahead and do it. I have been putting this one class off for years. I still haven't signed up for the class but, baby steps, people, baby steps! HAHAHAHA

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